"This environment is characterized more as a shop setting than as a lab room. We can expect some airborne particles and some degree of humidity to be present; however, personnel would typically function in this environment without any form of protective gear (masks, respirators, local dust or chemical hoods). Typical applications: Packaging, material handling, general factory automation"
"This environment is characterized by enough airborne particles to require an operator to wear some form of respiratory protection Typical applications: Woodworking, grinding, metal turning.”
"Typical places where S1 is used as slaughter houses, dairy plants, food plants or in any other application where light wash down is needed. Typical applications: Dairy, slaughterhouses"
"Typical places where 21 is used as moderately wet areas such as in paper mills, galvanizing equipment, food industries or in any other harsh environment where enhance wash down is required. The unit can be exerted to chemical within the pH range 4.5-8.5. Typical applications: Paper mills, galvanizing equipment, food industries”
Impact/Press/Vibration prism-guides & WM units This environment is defined as applications that would impart higher than normal loads on carriages or saddles due to initial impact dynamics. Typical applications: Punching machining, metal forming
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